The Case to Let Trump Win
Letting Trump win will set up a Constitutional crisis within one year from his inauguration. This final showdown will be the end of him.
Within one year from the date of Trump’s inauguration, he will be impeached, tried, convicted and removed from office for attempting to subvert the Constitution. He will attempt to do something so egregious that it will cause his base to crack. Senior members of both parties in the House and Senate will demand a meeting with the president and ask him to resign just as they did with Nixon in 1974.
If Trump doesn’t leave voluntarily, he will be impeached and tried. After a Senate conviction, he will refuse to leave office and the Supreme Court will be forced to weigh in, upholding the conviction, but it will be a 5 to 4 vote against him, setting up a stand off.
He will eventually leave and that will be that.
This may be the best way to rid this nation of this authoritarians narcissist. If he loses in November he will try to rip this nation apart for a 2nd time as he decries his loss by claiming election fraud in a few keys states like Wisconsin. Through legal means, the state legislature or the US House of Representatives could choose our next president, giving Trump the win. That would be far worse than an outright win. He’s already stated that there will be fraud and that he won’t accept a loss.
There's a lot of optimism in that post. If Congress is GOP dominated, it'll be business as usual.
You sound more and more like you’re employed by Vladimir Putin to me. You’re either a propaganda bot programmed to promote the politics of inevitability and subjugation to Trump, or you’re a live Putin crony.