There Was No Mandate!
Simply adjusting the awarding of Electoral Votes from Winner-take-all to proportional tells the real story of the election and how close it was in most states and nationally.
The GOP, Fox News and Trump Claim a Mandate, but they are wrong and a simple tweek of how Electoral votes are awarded and the math proves it.
The claim of a mandate is simply not true if we look at the revised totals had Electoral Votes been awarded proportionally, as they are in Nebraska and Maine, rather than the winner-take-all model in the other states.
With winner take all, Trump received 312 votes compared to Harris’s 226.
When we apply proportional awarding based on the actual percentage of votes each candidate received, the results are far closer with Trump receiving 274 Electoral votes to Harris’s 264. Harris’s popular vote count is barely 2.7 million behind Trump at this point out of 151 million votes cast.
These numbers are based on the current vote counts by state and the percentages. You can verify my numbers if you care to on the Guardian site.
Trump: 76,414,580
Harris: 73,713,440
Delta: 2,701,140
My spreadsheet is publicly available at the link below.
This spreadsheet shows the win/lose percentage of the vote by state and the possible electoral votes with proportional awarding and the new totals. Please check my figures. Link to Spreadsheet
Not relevant whatsoever. Especially since she would've still lost. The dynamic of this election and goddamn we need to finally learn it it's been the dynamic since 1980 is the only way to win elections.
Consent to nothing less than an honest broker nominee.
Only offer best policy practice. Obviously implemented when you can.
Rewrite the platform as to only represent the best interests of the people.
It's not exactly differentiating equations. There needs to be an opposition to the GOP not a partner in the ongoing global crime syndicate.
I wonder how many uncounted votes remain outstanding, particularly in California, where Harris would be expected to win proportionally more votes than former Pres. 45.