Most of former Pres. 45's core supporters get their alleged "News" from far-right propaganda organs like NewsMax and OANN and far-right online influencers with zero knowledge of public affairs. But there are a lot of them who, if given access to the facts, especially all the evidence provided by 45's own former administration officials in the military, and especially if they've served in the armed forces themselves, would disdain him. What's needed now more than ever is for all of those former officials to step up as a group, hold a news conference, and confirm for the nation their allegations of 45's utter contempt for self-sacrifice, especially in the military. This, alone, should have been enough, long. ago, to tank his Presidency and reputation following his loss to Biden in 2020.

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Aug 25Liked by Steve Heise

General Milley is an honorable man who has served his country with distinction. He upholds the oath he swore to defend the constitution. I have the highest respect for him and others who defend freedom.

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Thank you for your service Gentlemen General Milley! Your integrity speaks volumes as does your integrity. “Donny Dimwit” is a cowardly draft dodging FOP whom possesses none of your patriotism! You saved the United States on every front. Blessings abound to you, SIR.—Widow VietVet 1968-1970; Combat Engineer Spec 5 Charlie “Tunnel Rat.”

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He invited the TALIBAN to Camp David, FFS.

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Trump’s policy

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