Around here, I’ve seen flags flying in peoples yard, stating ‘Trump 2024 REVENGE TOUR’

WTF? He is ready to kill Americans! We don’t need a president that’s out to revenge those who hurt his little feelings! He is so WEAK!

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Sep 10Liked by Steve Heise

Rachel Maddow's opening illustrated monologue on this subject during her show which aired 9-10 ET on msnbc is a master-class on the threat that former President #45 represents to our country, and as always with Rachel, she places this danger in the context of world-history, particularly the history of modern dictatorships which 45 admires. It's must-see. Her guest Anne Appelbaum has written a book which both my companion Dotti and I have read, "Autocracy Inc.," which describes how modern dictatorships support each other through numerous overt and covert networks, and also conspire with fascists living within democracies, folks such as former Fox News evening commentator Tucker Carlson.

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Stage 6: Severe Cognitive Decline

At this stage, the person may require a high degree of care, as they may have symptoms such as:

Difficulty remembering the names of their spouse, children, or primary caregivers

Lack of awareness regarding all the recent events and experiences in their life

Patchy or skewed recollection of their early life

Difficulty counting backward or forward to 10

Lack of awareness regarding their surroundings as well as the time and place

Inability to travel alone without assistance

Tendency to wander

The person is also likely to experience emotional and personality changes, such as:

Paranoia, hallucinations, and delusional behavior, such as talking to themselves or believing their caregivers are trying to harm them

Obsessive symptoms, such as repeatedly performing cleaning activities

Agitation, anxiety, and even violent behavior

Loss of willpower due to being unable to carry a thought long enough to complete the action

During this stage, the person is likely to still remember their name and distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar people in their environment. They will probably need assistance with daily living activities and may experience incontinence and sleep-related difficulties.

Stage 7: Very Severe Cognitive Decline

In the final stage, the brain appears to lose its connection to the body and becomes incapable of telling it what to do.

The person is likely to progressively lose their motor skills and the ability to speak. They may only be able to utter unintelligible sounds or words, if at all. They will need assistance with all personal care tasks, such as eating, walking, and using the bathroom.

Final Thoughts

Dementia is a challenging condition to live with because it increasingly affects a person’s mental faculties and ability to function. Being aware of how the condition progresses can be useful because it can help you take steps to slow it down, understand what to expect, and prepare for it.

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He's a paranoid psychopath narcissist.

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Same for almost all of us on here.

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These people are downright scary.

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Sep 9Liked by Steve Heise

They are trying to be “scary”. I already died once. I saw Heaven. It’s incredible. I know if I die again I am going back. Trump is evil. He is a liar. He is everything that God hates. Proverbs 6:16 -19. I am voting for the candidate who wants Joy and Hope for the American people.

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We should all expect that we will be monitored. They will have plenty people assigned to such tasks.

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Nixon's "Enemies List" included actor Tony Randall, for his support of liberal causes. And Dr. Benjamin Spock, for the same reason. As Spock ran for President in 1972 to get attention for his speeches (he admitted it), the US Secret Service was watching him, perforce.

Mad magazine gives us this on Enemies Lists:

"E is for Enemies Lists. Ethelbert listed Every Enemy he Ever Encountered. The list was Extensive. It included Ex-Presidents, Entertainers, and Even Engineers. Every Ethnic gropu that Ever Existed was Entered onto Ethelbert's Enemy list. Ethelbert ran for Election and was Easily defeated. Now Ethelbert's Enemy list is Endless. Everybody who voted against Ethelbert is Entered on his Enemy list, almost the Entire Electorate."

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Can you imagine Mad Magazine today? It was the SNL of it's time. It was the Don Imus of it's time. I'd love to see a current issue or hear Don Imus on Trump.

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I subscribe to Mad.

All it does is reprint old stuff.

Fortunately, it’s GOOD old stuff.

They did a fantastic job on Richard Nixon when he was president.

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My favorite was Star Blech for Star Trek

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They did a lot of great satires of “Star Trek.”

Even a musical.

“Keep on Trekkin’”

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