Similarly, for a long time, though my companion and I get most of our tv news from msnbc (we also watch Michael Smerconish and Fareed Zakaria on CNN, and I regularly download articles from maybe 20-30 online sources that are well-vetted, corroborated, and capable of self-correction like Axios, Daily Beast, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, The New York Times, etc., etc.,), I used to try to at least see the opening monologue by Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity on Fox Fake News, not because I have the slightest respect for them or regard them as true journalists with integrity, but simply to ensure that I always had a handle on what the other side of the aisle was all about, and just in case they actually offered a counter-narrative on a variety of issues that actually turned out to be true, and that perhaps so-called mainstream media was missing. But after awhile, I just couldn't stomach watching/listening to self-evident bile being dished out by evening anchors who obviously knew they were lying and promoting fascism but who also knew that they could absolutely count on our 45th President supporters to believe anything they said about him that displayed the requisite obeisance and worship, while at the same time making a fortune off the gullibility of people they privately regard as suckers. Watching them regularly is like deliberately infecting oneself with rabies. I'm done.

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I have always been semi-curious but not enough to actually go to the site. Thanks for taking one for team and reporting back!

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It's the same reason I watch Fox News here and there, mainly Bret Baier and The Five. You have to know your enemy and study them. I want to throw rocks at the TV, but it's interesting hear what a right wing network thinks. I no longer have access to MSNBC, but they can be a little far to left for me. CNN has really taken a place in the middle left once they got rid of Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo.

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