Those of us who read your column know this stuff already. The voters who need to know this don’t have a clue. That is the issue we are up against. How to inform the American voters who aren’t MAGA.

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I'm just hoping that enough people share, comment on and restack my posts will reach those who are "Gettable". The 33 percenters don't give a damn. Might be higher, but we can reach about 10 to 15 percent of those who voted for Trump in 2020. We only need a few. Of course, that is contingent on not having lost and 2020 Biden voters.

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Jun 18Liked by AmericaReformed

They are also using Margaret Atwood’s novel “The Handmaid’s Tale” as an instruction manual for dealing with women & girls.

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They’re not kidding. Trump 2.0.

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